Videoconferencing allows a live video connection between separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction.
FAU provides both interactive classrooms and conference rooms to the academic community on all FAU campuses. Many of these rooms are available to all colleges on a first-come, first-served basis for live transmission of accredited courses to partner campuses.
Interactive courses must be booked through the Registrar's Office prior to the scheduling of the academic term.
Videoconverencing Requests
Videoconferencing Recording & Livestreaming
Video capture of academic classes is available in specially equipped classrooms located on the FAU campuses. Lecture Capture courses must be requested via the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of the academic term.
To request a recording time, submit a Mediasite Recording Request through the FAU Help Desk. All requests should be submitted at least a week in advance and are subject to room availability. Recordings are delivered digitally via e-mail link; no physical media is available.
Recording of video conferences is available on a limited basis by request. Livestreaming (or one-way broadcasting to the web) is also available, subject to room and system availability.
Desktop Videoconferencing | Zoom
FAU provides Zoom, a desktop Web-conferencing tool that can be used to enhance and expand classes or to have meetings. This powerful collaboration tools, including video breakout rooms, multi-sharing, polling, and group chats.
Zoom is available to all members of the University at and is also integrated into Canvas. FAU provides specific training for Zoom. Please, visit to register for a training session.
Desktop Videoconferencing | Webex
FAU provides desktop videoconferencing using Cisco Webex. Webex is available to all members of the University at and is also integrated into Canvas. The meeting host schedules Webex meetings and participants can join from a variety of devices (PC, Mac, Android, iOS, web based).
Webex can also host webinar style meetings with Webex events. More information is available at and FAU specific training is available at
Note: Students and faculty can go to Canvas Additional Tools for resources and documentation about the Webex Education connector, Zoom LTI, and Mediasite.
Room-Based Videoconferencing
FAU has several specially designed and equipped classrooms across all campuses capable of videoconferencing. The primary use of these facilities is to connect the campuses for academic classes or administrative meetings. The room-based VC offers the highest quality videoconferencing based on industry standards. FAU-trained technicians on each campus to support these meetings. FAU is also capable of connecting to external sites using a variety of industry standards.
Room-based videoconferencing requires a scheduling request prior to the event, and is subject to room availability. Scheduling requests should be made at least two business days prior to the event.