Banner Training

The fundamentals of Banner training are divided into two courses: Introduction to Banner and Intermediate Banner. University employees whose job responsibilities require access to Banner must complete the Introduction to Banner course prior to being granted Banner access.

Prior to registering for either course, you must complete the Employee FERPA form. You should have completed this during new employee orientation. You must also complete this Request Access to Banner Student form prior to registering for the training(s).

The Introduction to Banner training is a self-paced online course in Canvas and covers the following content:

Introduction to Banner

Upon submitting receipt of the Employee FERPA and the Request for Banner Access forms, we will automatically register you into the Canvas course. Upon registration, you will receive an email indicating that you have been added to the course. Once you have completed the course and the accompanying quiz, we will update your access to Banner Student.

Description Page
Banner General Navigation
General Person Identification SPAIDEN
Admissions Application Summary SAASUMI
High School Information SOAHSCH/SWAHSCH
Prior College SOAPCOL
General Student /Summary SGASTDN/SGASTDQ
Hold Information SOAHOLD(view only)
Registration Query SFAREGQ
Course Summary SHACRSE
Term Sequence Course History SHATERM
Transfer Course Information SHATRNS
Student Subject Sequence History SHASUBJ
Academic Non-Course SHANCRS
Person Comment SPACMNT (view only)

Those employees whose job responsibilities require a higher level of Banner access must complete the Intermediate Banner course prior to being granted that second level of access. The Intermediate Banner content is as follows:

Intermediate Banner

If your job responsibilities require access to the following Banner forms, please submit an updated Request Access to Banner Student form requesting “Intermediate Banner Access”. Once the approved request form has been received, you will receive a notification to complete the course the Intermediate Banner course in Canvas.

Description Page
Basic Course Information SCACRSE
Schedule (Section Information) SSASECT
Catalog Prerequisites & Test Score Restrictions SCAPREQ/SSAPREQ
Course Registration Restrictions SCARRES/SSARRES
Student Registration Permit-Override SFASRPO
Student Course Registration SFAREGS
Student Course Registration Audit SFASTCA
Degree and Other Formal Awards SHADEGR
Customer Service Inquiry TSICSRV
Class Roster SFASLST
Hold Information SOAHOLD (modify)
Person Comment SPACMNT (modify)
Unofficial Transcripts in Self Service Banner Self-Service Banner
DARS (degree audit) reports Self-Service Banner

If you have any questions, please contact us at